Players: 195
Tournaments: 65
Games Played: 1053
Total Appearances: 1293
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2024-12-22 18:04
Replays for Game #9287
4th January 2013, 19:00
Round 3
2013-01-04 20:34:29
2013-01-04 20:40:41
Show Turn Details
Players: as The W as Roçk ßä?Ð? Sir-J starts turn [00:00:20.74] Ninja Rope[00:01:16.34] Skip Go Asbest starts turn [00:01:19.70] Ninja Rope[00:01:27.08] Parachute[00:01:27.48] Ninja Rope[00:02:05.12] Ninja Rope[00:02:21.86] Parachute[00:02:22.28] Ninja Rope[00:02:29.10] Skip Go Sir-J starts turn [00:02:31.74] Ninja Rope[00:03:26.96] Skip Go Asbest starts turn [00:03:33.16] Ninja Rope[00:03:59.74] Parachute[00:03:59.90] Ninja Rope[00:04:07.54] Parachute[00:04:07.94] Ninja Rope[00:04:38.16] Skip Go Sir-J starts turn [00:04:40.84] Ninja Rope Asbest starts turn [00:04:56.90] Ninja Rope Sir-J starts turn
119.10 s 146.60 s |