Players: 195
Tournaments: 65
Games Played: 1053
Total Appearances: 1293
Times are displayed as GMT.
Current date and time: 2025-01-24 22:51
Boom Race Tournament
Delay: |
(Description originally by Balee.)
- One worm per player.
- Use a valid Boom Race map. Try not to use big maps unless you are confident you'll finish in less than 25 minutes.
- You may attack, block, or otherwise slow down your opponent. You can't, however, plop them. If you do, you lose by default. (However, both players can agree on using the /boomrace test version.)
- If you plop your own worm, you lose, no rm.
- In case of a draw, ask the moderator what to do.
- In case SD kicks in, the game ends when all players completed their turn - meaning if Player A started, then the game ends when Player A's turn *begins* for the first time after SD. The player(s) who proceeded the farthest wins/win. In case of a questionable state, ask the moderator.
- If your opponent doesn't show up or is unresponsive 10 minutes after your pairing was announced - according to the moderator's clock -, you proceed to the next round.
All games are best of 1.